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Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2012CB619401).
The crystal structure, magnetization, and spontaneous magnetostriction of ferromagnetic Laves phase GdFe2 compound have been investigated. High resolution synchrotron x-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis shows that GdFe2 has a lower cubic symmetry with easy magnetization direction (EMD) along [100] below Curie temperature TC. The replacement of Gd with a small amount of Tb changes the EMD to [111]. The Curie temperature decreases while the field dependence of the saturation magnetization (Ms) measured in temperature range 5–300 K varies with increasing Tb concentration. Coercivity Hc increases with increasing Tb concentration and decays exponentially as temperature increases. The anisotropy in GdFe2 is so weak that some of the rare-earth substitution plays an important role in determining the easy direction of magnetization in GdFe2. The calculated magnetostrictive constant λ100 shows a small value of 37×10−6. This value agrees well with experimental data 30×10−6. Under a relatively small magnetic field, GdFe2 exhibits a V-shaped positive magnetostriction curve. When the field is further increased, the crystal exhibits a negative magnetostriction curve. This phenomenon has been discussed in term of magnetic domain switching. Furthermore, magnetostriction increases with increasing Tb concentration. Our work leads to a simple and unified mesoscopic explanation for magnetostriction in ferromagnets. It may also provide insight for developing novel functional materials.
The RFe2 (R = rare earth) Laves phase compounds are known to possess large cubic anisotropy and huge magnetostriction at room temperature as compared to the RCo2 and RNi2 compounds.[1,2] The RFe2 compounds crystallize in a MgCu2 (C15) type structure. These compounds are known to exhibit diverse magnetic properties due to the competition between the exchange interaction and the crystalline electric field effects.[3,4] Among them, TbFe2 and SmFe2 possess the largest known positive and negative magnetostriction at room temperature, respectively. In these compounds, the easy axis of magnetization is parallel to the [111] direction and the magnetostriction coefficient λ111 is positive for TbFe2 and negative for SmFe2.[5,6] Barbara et al. reported that in the magnetically ordered state, the allegedly cubic SmFe2 and TmFe2 compounds actually show a pronounced rhombohedral distortion at room temperature with easy magnetization direction (EMD) along [111].[7] Cullen and Clark have shown that in the RFe2 Laves compounds having the spontaneous axis of magnetization parallel to the [111] direction, an internal rhombohedral distortion takes place. This distortion is coupled to the external strain and leads to the giant observed magnetostriction.[8] On the contrary, the DyFe2 and HoFe2 Laves compounds possess EMD parallel to the [100] direction.[9] Cullen and Clark showed that there is no corresponding structural distortion associated with this direction and, therefore, the compounds maintain their cubic symmetry. However, the existence of the magnetostrictive effect in these ferromagnetics systems suggests that the magnetic moment is invariably coupled to the crystal lattice;[10,11] hence magnetic ordering appears to have the potential to cause a change in the crystal structure.
Recently, the Mössbauer effect measurements have been used for the determination of the easy direction of magnetization in polycrystalline magnetic materials containing Fe, including the intermetallic compounds with the cubic Laves structure RFe2. The first experiment of GdFe2 was done by Bowden et al.[12] The spectrum obtained at 77 K was complicated, suggesting that the easy direction of magnetization lies along neither [100], [110], nor [111]. However, Atzmony and Dariel[13] reported a single six-line pattern, indicating the [100] easy direction, whereas the [110] easy direction has been proposed by Barb et al., who observed a spectrum consisting of two sets of six-lines with equal intensity at 77 K.[14] In order to remove the discrepancies between these results and to find the EMD in GdFe2, we have prepared samples of GdFe2, giving attention to the effect of adding some rare earth in the Gd metal ingots on the EMD. In addition, magnetostriction can be a sensitive tool for the detection of the different mechanisms which constitute the magnetization process.[15] For instance, in a material such as iron, the shape of the magnetostriction-field curve for a polycrystalline sample changes markedly in the regions associated with domain wall displacements, rotation of the magnetization against anisotropy. This description is much clearer in magnetostriction than in the corresponding magnetization curves. Magnetostriction measurements have been previously reported in the isostructural compounds RFe2 (R = Tb, Dy, Ho, Er).[3,4] In these materials, over the temperature range 77–300 K, the magnetostriction was found to be below saturation at the maximum applied field of 2.5 T. However there are rarely studies on ferromagnetic Laves phase GdFe2. The objective of the present work is to study the structural symmetry and magnetostriction in the ferromagnetic GdFe2 and the effect of the rare earth (Tb) substitution on the structural and magnetoelastic properties.
In order to clarify the influence of rare earth impurities, the samples of pure GdFe2 alloy and with a small amount of Tb were prepared by the arc melting method with the raw materials of Gd, Tb (99.5%), and Fe (99.9%) in an argon atmosphere. To ensure homogeneity, the samples were melted four times. High-resolution synchrotron XRD experiments were performed to determine the crystal symmetry. For the experiments, small parts of the samples were ground into powder and sealed into quartz capillaries with a diameter of 0.3 mm at beamline 11-BM, Advanced Photon Source (APS), Argonne National Laboratory. The wavelength of the synchrotron x-ray was 0.413677 Å. During the synchrotron XRD measurement, the capillary was rotating in order to average the intensity as well as to reduce the preferred orientation effect. The polycrystalline samples were used for the physical property measurements. The magnetizations (M) versus temperature (T) curve was measured by a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). The magnetization (M) versus magnetic field (H) hysteresis loops were measured by using Quantum Design SQUID. The room temperature magnetostriction was measured with the standard strain gauge bridge technique with a gauge factor of 2.11±1% under fields of 10 kOe and 50 kOe.
In order to clarify the influence of the rare earth impurity, the high resolution synchrotron XRD profiles for Gd0.9Tb0.1Fe2, Gd0.7Tb0.3Fe2, and Gd0.5Tb0.5Fe2 are shown in Fig.
The previous study reveals that the easy axis of magnetization which is usually a major crystallographic direction depends on whether the magnetocrystalline anisotropy comes mainly from the interaction of the rare earth (RE) or transition metal (Fe) ions with the crystalline electric field (CEF). With regard to the magnetocrystalline anisotropy of RE, it is believed that the 4f electrons in the RE ions are responsible for the main part of the magnetic anisotropy and that the CEF acting on the 4f electrons dominates this property.[17] In case of the Gd compound, because of the zero orbital magnetic moment (L = 0) for Gd,[18] the spin–orbit coupling almost disappears and there is no crystal field anisotropy. High resolution synchrotron XRD results show that a major symmetry axis as a direction of easy magnetization, i.e., [111], can be obtained for GdFe2 by adding a small amount of Tb. From this, it can be concluded that the magnetic anisotropy of GdFe2 is very weak so that some specific rare earth impurities are able to enforce their own anisotropy.
In the past, it was shown that a ferromagnetic transition involves only an ordering of magnetic moment and the crystal structure remains unchanged, i.e, paramagnet cubic changes into ferromagnetic cubic below the Curie temperature evidenced by conventional x-ray diffractometry (XRD). However, the existence of magnetostriction in all known ferromagnetic systems indicates that the magnetic moment is coupled to the crystal lattice; hence there is a possibility that magnetic ordering may cause a change in the crystal structure. Our high resolution synchrotron XRD gives direct evidence for the lower symmetry of the cubic ferromagnets. These results reveal that the ferromagnetic transition is also a structural transition, resulting in a low crystallographic symmetry, which is a general effect for all cubic ferromagnets.
In GdFe2, a tetragonal distortion with EMD along [100] results in the splitting of the (800) reflections as shown in Figs.
The temperature dependence of the magnetization (M–T) measured by VSM is shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 3. Temperature dependence of magnetization (M–T) for GdFe2,Gd0.9Tb0.1Fe2, Gd0.7Tb0.3Fe2, and Gd0.5Tb0.5Fe2. |
The magnetic hysteresis loops for GdFe2, Gd0.9Tb0.1Fe2, Gd0.7Tb0.3Fe2, and Gd0.5Tb0.5Fe2 have been measured at different temperatures as shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 4. (a) Magnetic hysteresis loops at different temperatures. (b) Exponential fitting of coercive field for GdFe2, Gd0.9Tb0.1Fe2, Gd0.7Tb0.3Fe2, and Gd0.5Tb0.5Fe2. |
Following the general rule of the magnetic coupling, Fe couples antiparallel to the rare earth Gd as shown in Figs.
By assuming Gd as a free ion, its magnetic moment is 7 μB. Moreover, at 5 K, the Ms for GdFe2 is 81.54 emu/g, which is equivalent to 3.926 μB. Then one can calculate that the magnetic moment per ion is 1.53 μB in GdFe2. The previous work shows that the magnetic moment per ion is 1.60 μB in GdFe2.[25] Our calculated value agrees with the previously reported value. GdFe2 is free of crystal field effects since Gd3+ is in an S state. Hence assuming ferromagnetic coupling, the Fe moment in GdFe2 is 1.60 μB as contrasted with 1.45 μB in LuFe2 or ZrFe2. Thus, the iron moment is variable in the LnFe2 series. The magnetization of GdFe2 is dominated at all temperatures by the Gd sublattice moment, thus the material does not exhibit a spin compensation temperature at which the atomic moments cancel and the overall moment is zero. The decrease in the magnetization with temperature (Fig.
The magnetization measurements show that coercive field Hc increases with Tb concentration as shown in the inset of Fig.
The previous literature shows that a structure change takes place at the ferromagnetic transition, so the magnetostrictive behavior of the GdFe2 system can be taken into account by the switching of the noncubic ferroelastic domains, and the magnitude of magnetostriction is proportional to the size of the lattice distortion.[18] The state of T-phase (Fig.
The structural and magnetostrictive properties of ferromagnetic GdFe2 have been studied. The GdFe2 crystal has a lower cubic symmetry. The low crystal symmetry of the ferromagnetic phase provides a simple mesoscopic explanation for the commonly observed magnetostrictive effect. The anisotropy of GdFe2 can be changed by adding a small content of Tb. Due to strong 3d–4f coupling, GdFe2 has a high Curie temperature among RFe2 compounds. A ferromagnetic transition is not just an ordering of the magnetic moment, it also involves a structure change. Simultaneous structural changes at the ferromagnetic transitions may provide a new idea to develop novel materials with high magneto-response. The anisotropic magnetostriction in GdFe2, Gd0.9Tb0.1Fe2, Gd0.7Tb0.3Fe2, and Gd0.5Tb0.5Fe5 can be simply explained by the switching of the non-cubic ferroelastic domains. This explanation for magnetostriction is physically the same as that for the electrostrain effect in ferroelectrics.
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